
Stars beyond reach wiki
Stars beyond reach wiki

stars beyond reach wiki

I have found it’s more fun to be a little blind, because then I don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis so much - I’m able to fully see my OWN empire, but as with a game of cards I have to infer what is going on in my opponents’ hands by their actions and mannerisms. One of the fun things with intelligence reports (and consequently spies and diplomats) is that the game is not giving you the all-encompassing sort of knowledge that you have in The Last Federation. As part of that, I’ve also finished the design for spies, diplomats, thieves, and intelligence reports in general. I’ve mostly been consumed by the actual diplomatic interactions between you and the other aliens, which involves a lot of writing as well as a lot of design. He’s now working on actually implementing the first pass of the diplomacy screen that I showed a mockup of last time. The last week or so has seen Keith working like crazy on implementing the Market Items that you can create in the game, as well as the resource-usage buildings that provide buffs to adjacent buildings. But carving out the time for organized posts sometimes is a bit tricky. I’ve been active in the forums since this project answering questions here and there if you haven’t been there. Part 4: 2015-2016, Beyond Reach, Rogue, Raptor – Going 3DĪpologies again for my slowness regarding Stars Beyond Reach updates at the moment.Part 3: 2013-2014, Shattered, Bionic, Skyward, Last Federation – Peak Arcen.

stars beyond reach wiki

Part 2: 2011-2012, A Valley Without Wind, etc.Skyward Collapse: Nihon no Mura (Expansion 1).The Last Federation: The Lost Technologies (Expansion 2).The Last Federation: Betrayed Hope (Expansion 1).AI War: Destroyer Of Worlds (Expansion 6).AI War: Vengeance of the Machine (Expansion 5).AI War: Light of the Spire (Expansion 3).AI War: Children of Neinzul (Expansion 2).AI War: The Zenith Remnant (Expansion 1).Indie game development studio since 2009.

Stars beyond reach wiki